Countdown to MCM London May 2016!

Heyya Everyone!

It’s only 4 days till MCM London May 2016! This is where the mad rush begins to ensure everything is completed on time and ready for the weekend.

Within the next few days I will have completed my commissioned Mordecai costume for my client to wear on the Saturday of MCM, and I am so excited to see how he likes it!

After taking my Lilith costume out of my costume wardrobe, I noticed that some parts of it had taken a lot more damage than I thought, whilst other parts looked a bit basic, and could do with updating.
The most damaged piece was the shin armour for my boots, due to someone stepping on my boot, the base part has completely snapped off. I’ve used my heat gun, along with contact adhesive to re-attach the armour to my boot, and ensure the bond stays strong, even if another person treads on them. I have also repainted them, as the old cell shading was very basic, and my skills have improved greatly in the 2 years since I made this costume.

Processed with MOLDIV

The shirt and jacket also had a bit of an upgrade, as the cell shading was very one dimensional, without any highlights. So I repainted the whole shirt, adding plenty of highlights and weathering, to make it look scruffy and dishevelled like her’s does.

One of my biggest issues last time, was that the wig covered most of my right eye, as I styled it on a mannequin head much smaller than my own – the wig looked perfectly styled on the mannequin, but on me the proportions of the spikes, and there placement, were a bit off. I have since purchased a mannequin head the same size as my own, and restyled the spikes to give it a more game-accurate look.

Processed with MOLDIV

As I was in a rush to complete this costume when I first created it, I didn’t have time to make the correct trousers – I just cut up a pair of grey jeans and used those.
As I wanted the costume to look accurate, I thought that the trousers could use an update. I found my old pair of light brown trousers, and marked the shape of her chaps onto them – as well as where the holes and cuts are. The holes were cut out with a Stanley knife and pulled at until they frayed, then cell shaded with black fabric paint. I used various shades of brown, black and white fabric paint to colour the top of the trousers grey, to match her trousers under the chaps, then the inner parts of the thighs a darker brown, as her chaps are two colours -then added more cell shading over the top.

So my Lilith is now updated and ready to wear on the Saturday of MCM, and I will be wearing my Katniss Everdeen wedding gown on the Sunday.

Processed with MOLDIV

Let me know if any of you are going, come up and say hi! I can’t wait to meet you all 🙂

Much Love,
